Mitigation Works
Client: Bourne Leisure
Location: North Yorkshire
Service: Habitat Creation
Project Outline:
The client was looking to extend their leisure park at Primrose Valley which had a large number of great crested newts on site.

Great Crested Newt Mitigation Works At A Leisure Park In Filey – North Yorkshire
As part of the mitigation works, JPR have enhanced the natural mitigation area.
Extensive scrub clearance was necessary to return areas to grassland management. Existing, over-crowded ponds clogged with vegetation and silt were dredged and opened up. Two new ponds of around 200 square metres each were created on site.

Drift fencing was installed so that the ecologists, Tyler Grange, could carry out the translocation of the great crested newts in order for the development works to start. JPR also created Great Crested Newt hibernacula. It was immensely satisfying to help with the project development and improve the environment. It was also great to be involved in so many aspects of the project from start to finish.