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Wetland Creation

Client: Undisclosed

Location: Undisclosed

Service: Wetland Creation

Project Outline:

JPR were brought in to implement the creation of 3 hectares of new wetlands on fields previously used for agriculture.

Creation of wetland features

Project outline

Creation of the following wetland features: scrapes, ditches, ditch realignment and widening and topsoil removal. JPR’s team created three hectares of new wetland features on a site owned by Natural England (total area 15ha) that is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and NNR (National Nature Reserve). The site had been in poor condition before works started. The design was provided by the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust.

Works programme

  • Sluice works including clearance of scrub, renewal fencing and clearance of inflow

  • Creation of a new rhyne between sluice and culvert to promote greater biodiversity and edge habitat

  • Reinstatement of banks around site perimeter to restore hydrologically isolated pen including localised repairs and widening of banks to provide greater stability

  • Improvement of existing tracks and access including repairing a leak point and reinstating hydrological control.  Improvement of gate access including restablisation of land around the entrance point

  • Retention of an existing ‘crane pool’ (ensuring it was not affected by works)

  • Creation of linear wetlands to take flows from inlets/outlets and provide more diverse habitat than the former ditch system.  A series of grips were formed from the existing ditch to form a ridge and furrow set of features with excavated material placed between the grips

  • Reprofiling of banks to create wetland features with a mix of submerged aquatics to provide habitat for a range of wetland species

  • Creation of three additional pools similar to the existing ‘crane pool’ and connection to the ditches.  Creation of a central island to provide nesting potential for ground-nesting birds (the deeper water will provide a barrier to predators and potential breeding habitat for amphibians)

  • Creation of small scrapes with shallow bank profiles – mico-topographical variation creating varied habitat potential.

  • Raised areas were created for birds during winter flooding.

Excavated material was deposited around the site as it was not possible to move material off site.  Material was placed to limit vehicle tracking and plant movements across site as much as possible.


The wetland has been improved in terms of biodiversity and habitat potential and the client is very happy with the result and looking to commission more wetland landscaping works from JPR Environmental.

Services at JPR Environmental


We are experienced at creating well formed ecosystems with an aim of increasing biodiversity in an area.


We use multiply different methods for bank reconstruction and protection depending on project.


One of our core services involves designing, creating and maintaining wetland pond, lakes and reservoirs.


Enhancements is understanding that a location can house an environment and implementing it.


Desilting is the process of removing  silt, sludge and other materials that have deposited in the watercourse over time


Water treatment includes using reeds as part of the process in treating waste water and improving water treatment.

Habitat Creation

Erosion Control

Wetland Creation

Habitat Restoration


Water Treatment

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