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Ecological Contracting
JPR Environmental provides a complete range of landscaping services to ecologists and their clients. We undertake ecological mitigation works on development sites and associated habitat creation and enhancement.
We can help with all stages of your development project, from the initial site clearance through to final landscaping. We build relationships with ground workers and other contractors to ensure works run as smoothly as possible.
As an abiding principle, JPR Environmental strives to minimise the environmental impact of works we undertake. One of our advantages is our ability to tailor our methods to the specific requirements of the site. For example, we will forego the use of large machinery, if not appropriate, and rely on muscle power to get a job done where this reduces potential damage to resident species.
JPR Environmental carries out topographical survey and mapping services with the latest equipment. Data can be fed into CAD and GIS systems which ensures measures are accurate. We offer ecologists and environmental managers a survey service for setting out, spot height information to enhance lidar data and base point set up. Height AOD and location accuracy is to within 10 mm if required.
JPR Environmental Ecological Contracting services include:
Wildlife-sensitive site clearance
Ecological Clerk of Works
Landscape profiling for habitat enhancement or creation
Hibernacula construction
Planting and revegetation

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